hot damn!

Friday, December 24, 2010

haaiii la acap..

aku ada member name acap. die syok dengan class mate die name ****h. budak tu lawa gila kot. yang si acap ni. emmm comel la orang nye. klau la mereka couple. mcm beauty and the beast. WOW. sweet couple kot. haha. si acap ni selalu mintak advise aku. mcm mane nak dpt kan farah. duhh.. im not dr.phil or oprah. tapi takpe la. as my bandmate. aku bagi advise stakat yg aku boleh bagi la. aku sendri pun lost in the battlefield of love. haha! ayat aku tak boleh blah. hehe. anyway acap. gudluck on getting her. i'll pray for you dude. haha!

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